These Multiple Terrain Pattern (MTP) British army flame retardant combat trousers are unissued genuine British military surplus. Designed for use in potentially hazardous condition where fire risk is high.
Other features of these trousers include:
*LENZING™ FR is a sustainably produced inherently flame-resistant cellulosic fiber based on the renowned Modal fibers production process. LENZING™ FR fibers meet the definition of “inherently flame retardant and resistant fibers” as specified by the European Man-made Fibers Association (CIRFS).
British army MTP pattern camo flame retardant trousers from Forces Uniform and Kit, the genuine military surplus store.
Forces Uniform and Kit (FU-Kit) is a division of Lagenfeld Limited, a British company based in the UK.
Company Registration Number: 3380677 | VAT Registration Number: GB711828837.