We closed our overseas sales down on 1st February. If you purchased prior to this date, and wish to return an item, it needs to be with us by March 21st. If you require tracking information, please contact us before 28th March.
We closed our Irish sales down on 17th February. If you purchased prior to this date, and wish to return an item, it needs to be with us by March 21st. If you require tracking information, please contact us before 28th March.
Up until the 10th of March at 9am, as long as you can add items to a shopping cart and make a payment, we will fulfil your order.
Requests for refunds and exchanges need to be with us by 21st March to be guaranteed to be dealt with before we close. If the items can be replaced, we will send them. Anything we send back to you, i.e. replacement clothing, footwear and equipment; cannot be returned again after this date as there will be no-one to process the request. Payments would in this event be made to a bank account and you would need to use this form.
Form to be used after 21st March
We cannot process refunds online after 14th March. Please contact Jan Wolfeld at the email address below with any queries.
Indeed, we have been supplying Go Army with bulk goods for several years and their retail website is a great alternative to our's. If you'd like to be added to the Go Army mailing list, visit this page to Opt In.