These German army flecktarn trousers and genuine military surplus so as you would expect they are very tough and built to take a lot of punishment. They are made from a hard wearing cotton weave in German 5 colour flecktarn camouflage, much loved by hunters, fishing circles and other outdoor enthusiasts.
Other features of these trousers include:
Great quality genuine military combat trousers offering excellent value for money! If you have any questions about these camo trousers please feel free to email sales@fu-kit.com.
Did you know? These flecktarn trousers have been in service with the German armed forces since 1990 and are still standard uniform today. Due to its success, flecktarn camo is considered to be the forerunner to the later digital camouflage patterns of the USA and Canada.
German army flecktarn trousers for sale from Forces Uniform and Kit, the genuine military surplus clothing store.
Forces Uniform and Kit (FU-Kit) is a division of Lagenfeld Limited, a British company based in the UK.
Company Registration Number: 3380677 | VAT Registration Number: GB711828837.