These winter liners are genuine Czechoslovakian army surplus and are some of the warmest money can buy. Their warmth and durability make them an ideal choice for hunting, fishing and hiking in cold-weather.
Important Note: Colours and styles may vary slightly. We cannot guarantee you will receive a certain colour, orders will be picked from an assortment. Some examples of colours can be seen in photos
Guidance on our height bandings
We state suitable heights ranging from Short to Extra Tall. The relative heights are approximately as follows.
Please bear in mind that a taller person with shorter legs would be best opting for the next shorter option, and vice versa. The pair we send will be within the parameters shown above and as they are worn below over-trousers the difference will never be seen.
Forces Uniform and Kit (FU-Kit) is a division of Lagenfeld Limited, a British company based in the UK.
Company Registration Number: 3380677 | VAT Registration Number: GB711828837.